Our Story

"Our boy has two mums. We co-parent him.

I wanted to be involved in this project to help with representing an LGBT+ family from the South Asian community.

The greatest struggle as an LGBT+ parent has been to have to explain (‘come out’) to my family setup constantly and to have to fight for it against societal, cultural and religious norms. Losing family relationships, the double takes and the confusing looks whilst the cogs turn in heads have been and can be challenging as it is a constant reminder that my family setup is not ‘normal’. To know that I have the strength to rise above this as well as manage all the other usual challenges of being a parent, has been my greatest achievement as an LGBT+ parent.

I want this project to help represent the new ‘normal’. I hope that one day the presumptions that are currently made about what a family set up and a gay person looks like will not be made; that people can be authentically open-minded."


Pip and Shell's Story


Shaun's Story