Ensuring your school is inclusive to your family and their needs is essential as LGBT+ parents/ carers, however the idea of having that open and inclusive conversation can be slightly daunting for some. We at Proud 2 b parents recognise that not all school will naturally cover what Ofsted states:

“to be graded as good or better for personal development, the provision is expected to develop learners’ appreciation of diversity and promote respect for all the protected characteristics.”

— (OFSTED Education Inspection Framework, 2021)

The protected characteristics are:

  • Age

  • Disability

  • Gender reassignment

  • Marriage or civil partnership

  • Pregnancy and maternity

  • Race

  • Religion or belief

  • Sex

  • Sexual orientation


Therefore we produced with Everyday’s a school day ( https://www.facebook.com/everydays.a.school.dayuk)  some information to support you having open conversations with your school about their inclusivity in terms of PHSE as well as their holistic education, policies and guidance. These contact templates (below) can be used to support these discussions with your school or education setting.

Feeling included and valued within a community, pre-school, school or other setting is really important. Lots of settings are working hard to improve their knowledge and practise around inclusivity, diversity and equality. Schools must have statements or policies relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity on their websites, which give information about how the school plans for these areas within their curriculum and how it fits into their wider school vision and values. If you have any questions or concerns do contact the school or setting, it is their duty to respond to questions and support families.
— Everyday's a school day

School inclusivity letters

Here are some links to external websites, research and documents relating to inclusive practise in Schools and pre-school settings: