Volunteer with us!
There are so many benefits to be gained through volunteering. It’s a great way to have fun, meet new people, and support others in the LGBT+ community. At the same time, your help will raise vital awareness of Proud 2 b Parents and enable our services to grow.
In this section you'll find information about the different roles available and upcoming opportunities for the months ahead. If you're interested in joining us, simply fill out the form and we'll be in touch with you soon! Have questions or just want to chat? Feel free to email info@proud2bparents.co.uk We're here to help!
List of current roles:
Community Ambassador: Spread the word about Proud 2 b Parents, the services we provide, the resources we develop, and the training and consultancy work we deliver. You can also share your own story to parenthood to raise awareness of LGBT+ parents/carers and encourage others to come along to P2bP events.
This is something many of you do already, and what an amazing job you do! Thank you. Please do fill in the form below if you’d like more resources and support in this, and to hear about all the latest opportunities.
Pride Ambassador: There are now at least 20 Prides and LGBT+ family fun days across Greater Manchester each year - too many for us to attend! Especially as some of them take place on the same day!
If you plan on attending any of the events listed under ‘Pride Ambassador Dates’ on the right hand side of this page, please let us know. We can give you an P2bP information sheet, leaflets, and business cards. You can give these out to any stallholders there on the day or any other LGBT+ parents/carers you happen to meet. And that’s all there is to it!Pride Event Host: Could you help at one or more events throughout the year by hosting an information stall alongside a P2bP staff member? If so, please check and see if you’re free on any of the events listed under ‘Pride Event Host Dates’ on the right hand side of this page.
The role involves chatting with members of the public about Proud 2 b Parents, and potentially selling books, running a raffle, or running a game or activity. Again this is a fantastic way to help others in the LGBT+ community, as well as raise awareness of Proud 2 b Parents and help raise vital funds - all while meeting others and having fun!
If you have a skill or talent not listed here but would still like to contribute, we'd love to hear from you! Your unique abilities could be just what our community needs.
Thank you for considering supporting Proud 2 b Parents in this way. Together, we can create a supportive and inclusive community for LGBT+ families everywhere.
What we can offer you
The information and training needed for your role, and travel expenses up to £15 per event.
Application Process
After filling in the form, we will get in touch to chat with you more about the role(s) you’re interested in and whether it’s right for you at this time. If both parties are happy to proceed, we’ll get you officially signed up!
2025 Pride Ambassador Dates:
Sat 24th May: Pride on The Range
Sun 22nd June: Rochdale Pride
Sat 26th July: Oldham Pride
Sat 2rd Aug: Trans Pride
8 - 10th Aug: Levenshulme Pride
8 - 10th Aug: Prestwich Pride
Sat 13th Sept: Chorlton Pride
2025 Pride Event Host Dates:
Date TBC: Pride in Bolton
Sun 1st June: Stockport Pride
Sat 21st June: Salford Pink Picnic
27 - 29th June: Sparkle Weekend
23 - 25th Aug: Manchester Pride
(Stall & parade helpers urgently needed!)