Our Team

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Matt (He/Him)

Matt Taylor-Robert is the Founder and CEO of Proud 2 b Parents and with his husband, Matt is a parent to their amazing son through adoption. As an independent panel member, he feels privileged to work for multiple regional adoption agencies and a local foster agency. Matt and his Husband are also foster carers for 2 children in long-term placement with them. He also sits on the Department of Health and Education Adoption Reference Group and the National Adoption Recruitment Strategy and is an LGBT+ parent representative on the Health Partnership Forum for the Health Alliance. As well as being a Lived experience consultant for varying sectors, organisations, and within the corporate sector.For full bio click here

Contact: matt@proud2bparents.co.uk

Lizzie (They/Them)

Lizzie is the Community Engagement Worker for Proud 2 b Parents. While not a parent themself, they have two wonderful children in their life who they lived with for several years. The role of Community Engagement Worker is a varied one. They oversee the majority of family meet-ups. They also provide 1-1 support to parents and liaise with family and health services across Greater Manchester to improve LGBT+ inclusion. They have been working at Proud 2 b Parents since Aug 2022.

Contact: lizzie@proud2bparents.co.uk

Shaun (He/Him)

Shaun is our Business Support Worker who has a wealth of experience in relation to HR, business development and administration. He is also a foster carer and adoptive parent with his husband. Shaun loves supporting the work of Proud 2 b Parents and meeting our families, as he is in communication with them when booking them onto our meet-ups and events.

Mandy (She/Her)

Mandy Cleveland is a community artist running Curious Crafty CIC Workshops at our Monthly Get-Togethers and Stay, Chat & Play sessions. The craft activities aim to provide a creative experience that enriches lives and wellbeing of all those taking part! She has lots of fun sharing inspiration and supporting families with themed activities that aid children’s learning and link to the wider environment.

Nate (He/Him)

Nate is a community artist who can be found at many of our events doing creative and crafty things with paper. He loves to link creative activities with confidence building and learning, because learning while there's crafty things in your hands is a fun way to do it! 

Rainbow (They/Them)

Rainbow is the mascot of Proud 2 b Parents and comes to all our session so families can spot who to meet when coming to our events in public spaces. This is especially useful if you’re coming to one of our events for the first time. Rainbow loves cuddles and sitting on people’s heads!