Card shopping with Pride

Valentine's Day, for many, is a day steeped in tradition and an opportunity to express love to a partner. However, for me, it holds a deeper significance – a chance to defy societal norms and proudly declare my love for someone of the same sex. In the local card shop, as I navigate through the aisles, I relish the opportunity to challenge and reshape perspectives consciously or subconsciously.

The simple act of picking out a card becomes a powerful statement. I choose to sift through the heteronormative verses, searching for the perfect card that reflects my love story with my husband. This yearly ritual is not just about finding a card; it's about sending a message that love is love, regardless of gender.

This year, as I approached the card section, I noticed another person, they were browsing the boyfriend cards. As I stood beside them, browsing the husband cards, there was a brief moment of solidarity as we formed our own miniature Pride , championing the love we have for our respective partners. The scene was heartwarming, evoking memories of my own struggles 18 years ago when such cards were nonexistent.

However, my delight was fleeting when I noticed that the individual next to me had exited the shop without the selected card. It became apparent that, despite the evolving assortment of cards, human responses continue to pose barriers. The prospect of facing potential judgment from shop assistants may have deterred this person from purchasing a card for their boyfriend. This serves as a poignant reminder that, although external symbols like cards now better reflect societal changes and the recognition of diverse relationships, the lingering fear of discrimination or prejudice still obstructs our community from partaking in seemingly mundane activities or engaging in what others perceive as trivial.  

Valentine's Day, for me, has become a platform to outwardly celebrate the love I share with my husband. From the days when he was my boyfriend to the present as my husband, this day is a declaration of love that transcends societal expectations. We've celebrated this day 19 times, not just for ourselves but for our son and the generations to come.

Our celebration is a small contribution to a more inclusive future. We envision a world where individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, can walk into a shop and freely choose a card that reflects their unique love story without fearing consequences. It's a step towards dismantling the barriers that hinder genuine expressions of love.

Valentine's Day, for some, might be a mere tradition or an occasion to express love to a partner, but for me, it's a powerful opportunity to challenge norms and promote acceptance. 

After all, love knows no boundaries.


In conversation with Sarah Hagger-Holt


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