Breaking Down Barriers

Hey there, We're here to share a little slice of our life as an LGBT+ family and talk about how services can make a world of difference in breaking down barriers for families like ours.

First off, let's talk about unconscious bias and microaggressions. Yeah, they're big words, but they have an even bigger impact on our daily lives. See, for us, navigating through a world that's not always built with families like ours in mind can be a bit like tiptoeing through a minefield.

Unconscious bias? Yeah, it's like those little assumptions people make without even realising it. Like assuming every family has a mum and a dad, or making comments that make you feel like you don't quite belong. It's not always intentional, but it still stings.

And then there are microaggressions – those little digs that can really wear you down over time. Like when someone asks, "Who's the real mum?" or says, "You don't look gay." It's those moments that make you feel like you're constantly having to justify your existence.

But here's the thing: it doesn't have to be this way. We've been lucky enough to come across some amazing services that are working hard to break down these barriers and make us feel seen, heard, and valued.

From encouraging self-awareness and reflection to promoting mindful language use, these services are taking real, tangible steps towards creating a more inclusive environment for families like ours. And let us tell you, it makes all the difference.

It's about asking questions, respecting pronouns, and being mindful of the language we use. It's about challenging assumptions and recognising that every family is unique.

So, to all the services out there , keep up the good work. Keep listening to families like ours, keep learning, and keep striving to create a world where everyone feels like they belong.

And to our fellow LGBT+ families, know that you're not alone. We can break down these barriers and create a brighter, more inclusive future for all of us, and more importantly our children.


The two mum family!


“There’s just so much love in our house. It’s a fun place to be!”