Matt’s Story

"This photo shows the ‘normality’ of being a parent, never having a moment to yourself, and always being there for someone else.

Both myself and my partner had our own journeys which brought with it varying emotions. I was the stay at home Dadda, taking adoption leave from work. It was a privilege to be at home with my son, to support him, teach him, show him the world around him and have lots of fun.

This image shows me, how lucky I am, how at times in the day I have my whole world in one room with me. This photo also makes me sad, as this little boy is growing, changing, developing and soon he won’t want to be on the floor in the bathroom with me. He is not my baby anymore but my toddler with opinions, thoughts and ideas. One day I will miss my little shadow but for now I am truly grateful for every moment I don’t have alone!

I suppose I want this photo to tell you that I am like you! I am a parent too. I have the same overwhelming love for my child and the same fears, hopes and dreams. But I also worry that you will disprove of him because of me. I worry that you wont accept him because of his parents. I worry you wont let your child be friends with him because of who I love.

I also want our community to know that you too can be a parent. That it isn't something you can't be just because of the person you are.

But I also want you to know we are part of your community too. I am gay and a parent. We have fought with you, been in parades and stood next to you in bars. My son will do the same in time because he will grow up to know the world around him is a diverse melting pot, in which everyone is equal!!!"


Paul and Andrew's Story


Vince's Story